When a medical emergency strikes, swift action can be the difference between life and death. In South Australia, SA Ambulance Cover ensures that you receive the essential medical attention you need, without the added burden of hefty bills.
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What Is SA Ambulance Cover?
When you dial Triple Zero (000) for emergency assistance, there is typically a cost associated with the ambulance’s attendance. However, with SA Ambulance Cover, you and your family won’t have to worry about paying for these services every time.
- Single Cover entitles Ambulance Cover benefits to an individual only.
- Family Cover entitles Ambulance Cover benefits to a primary individual, their spouse or cohabiting partner, their children or legal dependents under the age of 18, and any children or legal dependents they may have between the ages of 18 and 25 who are full-time students and residing at home.
Pensioner Cover is available to holders of a SA Pensioner Concession Card. You must provide this card when applying for subscription and during the renewal process to obtain Pensioner Concession Cover.
Benefits under Ambulance Cover start the day after joining for Emergency Transports and two months after joining for Non-Emergency Transports.
Cost of SA Ambulance Cover
The cost of SA Ambulance Cover varies depending on your needs and circumstances. Here are the different options:

Ambulance Cover (South Australia only):
You can opt for Standard Ambulance Cover which will cover for Emergency and Non emergency medical situations In South Australia Only.
– Family: $192.00 annually
– Single: $96.50 annually
– Pensioner Family: $115.00 annually
– Pensioner Single: $58.00 annually
Ambulance Cover Plus (Australia-wide coverage):
You can opt for Ambulance Cover Plus which will cover for Emergency and Non emergency medical situations Australia Wide.
– Family Plus: $226.75 annually
– Single Plus: $114.00 annually
– Pensioner Family Plus: $149.75 annually
– Pensioner Single Plus: $75.50 annually
Ambulance Cover Extras
If you are already covered by private Health Insurance but only for emergency medical conditions, you can opt for Ambulance Cover Extras to add an extra layer of protection for Non emergency medical situations in South Australia or Australia Wide with Plus.
– Family Extras: $51.50 annually
– Single Extras: $25.25 annually
– Family Extras Plus: $86.25 annually
– Single Extras Plus: $42.75 annually
How to join SA Ambulance cover?
- Complete the online form, make your payment and you will be covered from the next business day.
- Download and complete the electronic application form (fill in electronically or in print) and
Post the attached application form complete with payment details to: SA Ambulance Service GPO, Box 3, Adelaide 5001
- Present the attached application form with your payment to an Australia Post Bill Pay Centre or a National Pharmacies store.
- Call the Customer Service Centre on 1300 13 62 72 and pay by credit card over the phone during business hours.
If you are looking for private ambulance cover options, you may explore Bupa Ambulance Cover.
What’s Included in SA Ambulance Cover?
Emergency transport:
Covers situations where a medical emergency is confirmed or believed to exist, accidents requiring urgent medical care or transport, and cases of unplanned illnesses or injuries necessitating immediate ambulance attendance.
Non-emergency transport:
Encompasses pre-arranged ambulance bookings for transfers to or from medical facilities when clinically necessary, as determined by a qualified health professional.
Adding Dependents and Renewal
- If you’re the primary subscriber, you can include your child in your Family Cover Policy within one month of their birth. Singles can upgrade to Family Cover to include dependents.
- For dependents who turn 18 (non-students) or 25 (students) during a subscription year, coverage continues for the remainder of that year. To maintain coverage, a new single subscription must be acquired at the end of the relevant subscription year.
For more detailed information, you can visit the official website of SA Ambulance Service.