How to apply for Low Income Health Care Card in 2024?

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The Low Income Health Care Card is a valuable instrument that offers eligible people and their dependent children significant advantages. This article will guide you through the application and renewal processes for your Low Income Health Care Card, enabling you to take advantage of discounted medications, bulk-billed medical appointments, and other benefits.

Who Qualifies for a Low Income Health Care Card?

Your income must be below the income test threshold in order to qualify for a low income health care card. Fortunately, there is no necessity for an assets test, making it available to a wider spectrum of people.

When applying for or renewing your card, it’s important to meet the requirements of the income test. Make sure your income stays within the allowed range, and be ready to demonstrate it as well as any modifications to your circumstances during the renewal term.

low income health care card income test

If you don’t qualify for low income health care card, read more about general Health Care Card.

Children on Your Card:

If you have dependent children, your Low Income Health Care Card may also be used to pay for their bills. You must be the child’s primary carer or have them stay with you for at least two nights each week in order for your child to be listed on your card. If you are paying for the child’s education, they must also be under the age of 19.

Benefits of Low Income Health Care Card:

  1. Reduced prices for medications through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
  2. Enhanced reimbursements for medical expenses once you reach the Medicare Safety Net threshold.
  3. You can access additional benefits from your state or territorial government and local council, potentially resulting in reductions in:
  • Electricity and gas expenses
  • Property and water rates
  • Public transportation fares
  • Motor vehicle registration fees.
health care card benefits

How to Claim Your Low Income Health Care Card?

1. Online Application:
  • Ensure you have a Centrelink online account linked to myGov.
  • If you have a nominee, they should also have their own myGov account.
  • Sign in to myGov and select “Make a claim or view claim status,” then “Make a claim.”

  • Choose “Concession Cards” and follow the provided prompts to complete your claim.
  • Once submitted, you will receive a receipt with your claim ID, estimated completion date, and a link to track its progress.
2. Alternative Claim Methods:
  • If online claiming is not an option, you can call the Youth and students line at 132 490 , Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm.

Renewing Your Low Income Health Care Card:

A Low Income Health Care Card is valid for 12 months, and you must apply for renewal each year while meeting the income test requirements. Centrelink will notify you when your card is nearing its expiry date.

1. Online Renewal:
  • You will receive a renewal notice from Centrelink.
  • Renew your card through myGov by signing in to your Centrelink online account.
  • Update any changed information as needed.
2. Renewal by Form:
  • Centrelink will send you a renewal form.
  • Complete and return the form as instructed.

Authorised Representative:

You have the choice to designate an authorised representative who will communicate with Centrelink on your behalf, simplifying questions, updates, and payment-related issues. You can find more information on authorising a nominee here.

If you are resident of Victoria, check out about more government services like Ambulance Victoria Membership Guide here.

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